How to Plan an Event: Ask These Questions!


How do you plan a successful event? Whether you’re new to events, or a seasoned professional, it's essential you take the time to ask strategic questions in the initial event planning phase.

Pro Tip: Download our free event planning guide with our 13 key questions.

How Do You Plan a Successful Event?

Whether you’re new to events, or a seasoned professional, it's essential you take the time to ask strategic questions in the initial event planning phase. And we’re here to help you get started.

You’ll find that your event planning develops more smoothly when you start the planning process with our questions because you will:

✓ Develop strategic direction
✓ Communicate effortlessly with your team
✓ Avoid costly mistakes
✓ Get started within minutes
✓ Remain calm, knowing it’s all planned.

01. Event Purpose

The first step to accomplishing your goals is to define them. These questions help you dig into the event purpose and your desired outcomes.

Questions to ask:

“Why are we holding this event?” “What do we want to get out of this event?” “How do you want attendees to feel on event day?” “What do you want attendees to do at the event, or after the event?” “What does a successful event look like for you?”

02. Event Details

Then move on to the topline event details. These are the “what”, “when”, “where” questions.

Questions to ask:

“Do you have a name for the event?” “Does the event already exist?” Yes. Great. The title is yours. If it’s still just an idea, research other events to check the name isn't already being used.

Also consider the impact of other events with a similar event date. “How many other events are being held that same day?” “Is the ideal venue available that day?” “Do you have enough lead-time to organise the event?” You must ensure you have the right amount of time to plan an event. If your lead-time is too short, you risk producing a sub-par event.

03. Event Contingency

And finally, think more about what you need to do if your initial ideas don’t develop as you hope.

Questions to ask:

“Does your event venue have a specific capacity?” “Do you need to sell a certain number of tickets to break-even?” “What if less people attend than is ideal?” “What if too many people arrive? How will you manage changes to the event plan?”


Download Event Planning Questions Guide

Want to plan a successful event? Download our free event planning questions guide to get all the insights you need for a successful event!


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Rachella Thomas

Event Consultant & Coach | Major Events Specialist | Founder of Event Kit - Event Planning Templates


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