Post-Event Blues: Why You Should Rest After Big Event Projects


It’s true that “wellbeing” isn’t really something we prioritise in our busy event schedules. To avoid burnout and thrive as event planners, taking time to rest after our events is just as important as celebrating event success.

Pro Tip: Build your support network and reach out for help before you need it.

Post-Event Blues and Event Planner Wellbeing
Event planner well-being

Understanding the Aftermath of Event Success

I recently completed a major event—one that was mind-swirlingly large, attracting 100,000 attendees. We had a quick 6-hour bump-in and a 5-hour bump-out. It’s fair to say it was fast-paced, demanding and exciting. It consumed my thoughts, weekends, and stole many nights of sleep for several months.

And then suddenly, it was over.

Despite my 24 years of experience, I'm always caught by surprise when an old feeling starts to creep in at the end of a big event: sadness.

What is This Post-Event Feeling?

First and foremost, I think it’s a physical drop in adrenaline.

There’s no doubt that us event professionals are adrenaline junkies. After the high of celebrating our event success, we thump back down and it’s then that I always feel the slump of depression.

Another reason for this post-event depression might also be the lack of a clear destination for what's next for us.

Throughout the event planning process, we have a laser-focus on our event plan. Every minute of every day is accounted for when we’re in our world of event management. But once the event is over, I think we find ourself feeling disoriented, unsure of what to focus on next. Time is suddenly empty and unscheduled.

It's essential to acknowledge that this feeling is normal and to give yourself time to transition smoothly into the next phase.

When I think about it, I also experienced a similar post-event depression after hiking in Peru a few years ago. I’d spent months training for the challenging 80km high-altitude trek and when I came home I felt flat. It was a big challenge that I worked towards for months, and then it was suddenly over.

Through these experiences, I have learnt that it’s important to find the time and space to rest and reflect. 

Nurturing Creativity for Future Success

To foster a long and successful career in events, we must all remember to embrace this post-event phase as an essential part of our journey.

💡Pro Tip: Rest, reflect, and celebrate accomplishments. Give yourself the time and space you need to recharge, and you'll find your creativity and enthusiasm for events. After all, you deserve to celebrate your success and approach the next event project with renewed energy and passion.

Embrace the post-event phase as a crucial part of your professional journey. By taking time to rest and reflect, you set the stage for renewed creativity and success.


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Rachella Thomas

Event Consultant & Coach | Major Events Specialist | Founder of Event Kit - Event Planning Templates


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