Trade Show Mastery: Keeping Your Trade Show Exhibitors Smiling


As trade show event planners, it's crucial we make sure exhibitors feel prepared, organised and confident. The Exhibitor Project Planner is your exhibitor’s ultimate event-prep sidekick.


Take a moment to think about your trade show exhibitors: they pour tons of time, money, and effort into their exhibits. No doubt, they'd rather focus their time on generating more leads and making sales, rather than fussing over details of your trade show event.

That's where tools like the Exhibitor Project Planner come in handy. It acts as their event-prep sidekick, helping them map out tasks for stellar trade show experience. By giving them all the info they need and some practical tips, you're setting them up for success. And we all know that when your exhibitors feel ready and confident, it makes the whole event a breeze for you!

Happy Exhibitors = Happy Event Planners

What is the best way to help your exhibitors prepare for the big day? Well, let's chat about it. See, your trade show exhibitors aren't just throwing together any old booth. They're actually pouring their hearts, souls, and budgets into making their exhibit shine. But here we find a contradiction in them. They want to create a brilliant exhibit but they also rather be focusing on their core business rather than stressing over event logistics. So, how can you lend a helping hand?

Trade Show Planning Template

We’ve created a template exactly for this.

The Exhibitor Project Planner is a template designed specifically to help your exhibitors prepare for your upcoming trade show. This trade show planning template streamlines your exhibitor's planning process by providing them with a systematic approach to planning and organising tasks. With this event tool they can focus on getting the most from their trade show experience. The The Exhibitor Project Planner template helps them to:

Set Clear Goals

First things first, exhibitors need to know what they want out of this gig. Are they aiming to snag a bunch of new leads? Showcase their latest products? Whatever their goal, it's crucial to get crystal clear on it from the get-go.

Design That Stand

Next up: they will want to design the perfect trade show booth. From the layout to the signage, every detail counts. And hey, our Exhibitor Project Planner is like their personal guide to ensure they kick off the design process at the right time. It's a lifesaver, trust us.

Prep and Plan

Now it's time for them to roll up those sleeves and get to work ticking off tasks. Exhibitors need to coordinate multiple tasks from ordering furniture to promoting their booth pre-event. It's a lot to juggle, but with a little guidance (hint: from our Exhibitor Project Planner) they’ll feel calm and confident.

Nail Those Logistics

Last but not least, let's talk trade show logistics. Are they shipping in equipment? Booking WiFi? It's all gotta be squared away before showtime. Our handy trade show template keeps them on track, so nothing slips through the cracks.

And there you have it, folks! With these tasks planned in the Exhibitor Project Planner, your exhibitors will be ready to crush it at your trade show—and you'll be one happy event planner. Want to get your own copy of this template and a bunch more useful trade show planning templates? Check out our Trade Shows Kit.



Hi, I’m Rachella—event expert behind Event Kit!

Built on 24 years' creating world-class events, Rachella Thomas founded Event Kit to share her event expertise and improve event management worldwide by offering affordable on-demand event planning templates.


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Rachella Thomas

Rachella Thomas is the powerhouse behind award-winning event consulting agency, Event Kit.
With 20+ years of experience producing world-class events for internationally-renowned clients and brands, Rachella has honed her skills to create an expert resource and toolbox of event templates for event planners and businesses looking to elevate their events.

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