Leveraging ChatGPT in Event Planning: New Ways to Creativity & Efficiency


ChatGPT is more than just a copywriter. AI can help you with event creativity and increase event planning productivity. Here we explore the range of uses of ChatGPT in event planning.

ChatGPT in Event Planning

Introduction to ChatGPT in Event Planning

The event industry is fast embracing the use of AI-powered tools like ChatGPT. Many of us have now recognised the potential to enhance the event planning process.

As we move into this new AI-era, serious questions are being asked about the future of the industry. Will automation lead to job losses? How do we maintain uniqueness and creativity? These questions deserve careful consideration as we cautiously embrace AI technology in event planning.

At Event Kit, we are optimistic, not pessimistic about it. While ChatGPT is already automating certain aspects, we know it can’t replace the authentic human perspective—unless, that is, you’re talking about a robot-inspired event.

If you’ve wanted to know how to use ChatGPT in your event planning, then you’re reading the right article. You’re about to discover how you can make AI your ultimate event assistant.

Read on…

01—ChatGPT as “Creative Collaborator”

Research Event Concepts and Format Development

As a starting point for event concepts and format development, ChatGPT is a handy platform to research event ideas.

ChatGPT can be used for researching the viability of new event concepts by instructing it to assess your idea with a target audience in mind. You can also instruct ChatGPT to provide you with a variety of event formats suited to that concept. You Once you’ve generated these new event ideas you can drop them into your event pitch or proposal to new clients.

How do you do this?

Give ChatGPT a prompt asking something like “generate three versions of event format” for a specific target audience, or add generalised keywords such as "virtual event trends" or "outdoor event ideas". You can start general and then add more instructions to get a more targeted and focused result.

An example of a starting prompt could be: “Outline 3 event concepts for corporate networking events that are trending with millennials in the East Coast region of America”.

Brainstorm Creative Ideas

You can also brainstorm creative event ideas to develop the event theme, decorations and entertainment with ChatGPT.

Don’t believe it? We’ve done it! You can see it for yourself below.

Our Prompt: Provide 3 creative event concepts for a gala dinner for my IT client. Gala event is an end of year celebrate with employee awards. 500pax, venue is a converted warehouse. Client has requested 3 creative concepts that celebrate the theme of: "Innovation through creativity".

ChatGPT Response: Within seconds we got the outline of 3 solid creative concepts for the event theme, along with hints about how we could style the event, use the venue and format the event. Read the full ChatGPT response in the image below.

Our verdict is that it was surprisingly good quality. While the creative concepts were not particularly unique, they were solid in design and absolutely applicable to our real-world event practice. We can see ChatGPT playing a valuable role in kicking off our brainstorming process with new projects and client proposals.

ChatGPT in Event Planning

You can brainstorm creative event planning ideas with ChatGPT. Here we show you a real-life query our team put into ChatGPT when brainstorming concepts for a gala event. You’ll notice the responses can be used as a starting point for our team to work with, and develop into our own.


AI-Rocking the Event Industry?

ChatGPT can also help us to optimise the format of events, such as virtual, hybrid, or in-person events, based on audience preferences and the type of event. Learn about AI-powered tasks for event planning.

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02—ChatGPT as “Marketing Assistant”

Want to make sure your upcoming event gets the attention it deserves?

ChatGPT can also help you create a strong marketing campaign for your event. Input the details of your event, and it will generate a range of marketing materials for you. From social media posts to email templates and other promotional materials. The range of marketing materials is as broad as your imagination, it can include:

  • Social media posts across all platforms, from Instagram to LinkedIn

  • Media releases

  • Website copy and event listings blurbs

  • Copywriting for posters, DL flyers, invitations and more…

Event Collateral Copywriter

ChatGPT is great as an instant copywriter. Gone are the days when you need to engage an expensive copywriter for every invitation or promotional flyer. You no longer need to spend hours thinking up the right wording for your event manuals.

How does it work? You simply input the details of the event (we usually include top-line details of what, when, where and why, event format and theme, target audience) and ChatGPT will generate a tailored-to-your event event manual copy that you can cut and paste into your own documents.

Using the creative event concept generated by ChatGPT earlier, we asked for a promotional blurb based on our chosen concept.

Our Prompt: We will proceed with an event theme based on the concept of Tech-Inspired Wonderland. Please provide a paragraph of promotional copy for use on the website event listing, promotional poster and social media posts. Add the event date: 10 March 2025. Add the event location: Urban Warehouse. Request that all staff RSVP by: 10 January 2025.

ChatGPT Response: Within seconds we got a promotional blurb for the event that we can use on the website, event listings and social media. Read the full ChatGPT response in the image below.

Event Proposals & Contracts

When you need help writing a winning event proposal or contract for your event clients, ChatGPT can get you started. Instead of spending hours labouring over the right words, we just plugged our requirements into ChatGPT and we were impressed with the results.

From our little experimentation with it, we can already see that ChatGPT will be our trusty sidekick when it comes to drafting new event proposals and contracts. In just a few seconds, we had text ready to paste into our event contract template and event proposal template. Of course, you should always proof-read the text before hitting send, and legal documents should be checked by legal professionals.

ChatGPT in Event Planning

Creative copywriting with ChatGPT. Here we move on to the next step with our real-life query in ChatGPT. We continue with the conversation to now ask for ChatGPT to help us with writing promotional copy for our chosen event theme.

03—ChatGPT as “Event Operations Assistant”

Personalised Event Itineraries

Creating event itineraries is tiresome. It’s usually a lot of data that is on repeat, and without expensive event software to manage it, your time will be wasted away. Our run sheet template and event programming template certainly help cut down your time and effort. Now imagine if you didn’t have to spend extra time working out what to write in them? With ChatGPT, input the details of your event, and it'll generate a personalised itinerary that includes all the important information like the event schedule, speaker bios, and location details. Within seconds you can check the details, edit as you need and then paste directly into our ready-to-use templates!

Event Registration & Ticketing

ChatGPT can help streamline the process by generating an automated registration and ticketing process that includes all the important information and options. The way we imagine it, we will be using ChatGPT to automate responses to ticket enquiries, requests for refunds, and the way we answer all sorts of ticketing questions. An automated workflow will mean ticket transactions and bookings come in-house for the smaller events, without the cost or the need to outsource to ticket providers.

Real-time Customer Support

Want to make sure your attendees have a great experience? ChatGPT can assist you in providing real-time customer support. We are even seeing ChatGPT being embedded into our email systems to make the process so easy. Just input a question from an attendee and it'll generate a personalised response in a natural human-like voice, that includes all the necessary information. Imagine how much of your time and brainpower that will free up!

Post-Event Surveys

At the end of the event, ChatGPT can easily generate personalised text for a post-event survey that includes questions about the event, the attendees' experience and their feedback. Once the survey is complete, ChatGPT can continue to work for you and analyse the data and generate a report that includes feedback provided by the attendees. Even more impressive, is you will be able to set up an automated workflow that sends out individual responses to all survey participants, based on their feedback!

Customised Instructions for Attendees & Staff

ChatGPT can assist event companies in providing customised instructions for attendees or event staff by generating natural-sounding text for your handbooks and event briefings. For example, ChatGPT could generate a manual that includes all the necessary information such as event schedule, speaker bios, location details, and specific instructions for attendees or event staff. It could also generate tailored event arrival information sheets, specific to each of your event participants, staff, contractors and vendors. Once again, you can then simply paste directly into our ready-to-use templates!

ChatGPT and event planning

Wrap Up

ChatGPT opens up a world of exciting possibilities in event planning. It has the potential to help your event planning in so many interesting ways. ChatGPT and event planning is like having a marketing and events assistant at your fingertips, ready to generate innovative ideas, streamline processes, and save you time.

The integration of AI-powered tools like ChatGPT in event planning holds immense potential for the events industry. While these tools can’t replace the authentic human perspective, they serve as invaluable assistants for event planners. We are excited to see what lies ahead!

Do you want to learn more from me? You can work directly with me. Check out my 1:1 Consulting Call to get personalised advice and guidance for your events.



Hi, I’m Rachella—event expert behind Event Kit!

Built on 24 years' creating world-class events, Rachella Thomas founded Event Kit to share her event expertise and improve event management worldwide by offering affordable on-demand event planning templates.


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Rachella Thomas

Rachella Thomas is the powerhouse behind award-winning event consulting agency, Event Kit.
With 20+ years of experience producing world-class events for internationally-renowned clients and brands, Rachella has honed her skills to create an expert resource and toolbox of event templates for event planners and businesses looking to elevate their events.


AI-Rocking the Event Industry?


Event Run Sheet Template: Step-by-Step Guide